»姓名:张大磊 | »系属:材料科学与加工 | |
»学位:博士研究生 | »职称:副教授 | |
»专业:材料科学与工程 | »导师类别:硕导 | |
»电子邮箱:zhangdal2008@163.com | ||
»联系电话:18053235179 | ||
»通讯地址:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号 | ||
»概况 | ||
◎研究方向 1、金属腐蚀与防护 2、材料表面工程 3、无损检测 ◎教育经历 2007.09-2010.03,中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋化学(腐蚀与防护),博士 2004.09-2007.07,中国海洋大学,材料物理与化学,硕士 2000.09-2004.07,东北石油大学,应用化学,学士 ◎工作经历 2022.01-至今,中国石油大学(华东),副教授 2012.06-2021.12,中国石油大学(华东),讲师 2010.06-2012.06,中国石油大学(华东),动力工程及工程热物理流动站,博士后 ◎学术兼职 山东省暨青岛市腐蚀与防护学会理事;中国腐蚀与防护学会石油化工腐蚀与安全专业委员会委员 ◎主讲课程 本科生《金属腐蚀学》、《金属结构腐蚀与防护》、《海洋腐蚀与防护》、《石油石化用材概论》、《电化学保护原理及技术》 ◎指导研究生及博士后 累计独立指导硕士生17人,协助指导博士生4人。 ◎承担项目 1、国家自然科学基金(面上)项目1项,(青年基金)项目1项 2022.01-2025.12,局部湍流作用下海底管线内焊接接头的电偶腐蚀行为规律与过程机制,国家自然科学基金(面上项目,编号42176209),主持,在研 2012.01—2014.12,紧固件用高强钢在海洋大气中的氢渗透行为与环境敏感断裂研究(编号41106068),主持,已结题。 2、山东省自然科学基金3项 2022.01-2024.12,局部湍流作用下铜、钛海水管路焊接接头的腐蚀过程机制与动力学模型研究,山东省自然科学基金(面上项目,编号zr2021md064),主持,在研 2018.03—2020.12,超铁不锈钢在地热水微湍流冲击下腐蚀过程机制的跨尺度研究(面上项目,编号zr2018mem002),主持,已结题; 2010.12—2013.12,深海阴极保护下高强钢应力腐蚀的微区电化学研究(青年基金项目,编号zr2010dq011),主持,已结题; 3、青岛市应用计划项目(青年专项)1项 2014.09—2016.09,海底管线钢气/液两相流局部腐蚀失效的微区电化学研究(编号14-2-4-63-jch),主持,已结题 4、博士后基金2项 2010.06—2012.06,关深海环境中高强钢的应力腐蚀敏感性及微区电化学特征(中国博士后基金(二等),编号20100471001),主持,已结题; 2011.03—2012.06,关风电设施紧固件在海洋大气中的环境敏感断裂行为研究(山东省博士后基金,编号201102032),主持,已结题 5、中央高校自主创新计划项目3项 2019.01-2021.12,超铁不锈钢在中低温地热流体中腐蚀/结垢纠缠机制的多尺度研究,(科技专项,编号19cx05001a-10),主持,已结题 2016.01-2018.12,超铁不锈钢在地热水环境中局部腐蚀行为机制的微区电化学研究(科技专项,编号16cx05011a),主持,已结题; 2012.01-2014.12,热浸镀锌铝合金钢材在海洋大气中的环境致脆行为研究(编号12cx04059a),主持,已结题; 6、主力参与国家自然科学基金(面上项目)4项 2018.01-2022.12,微湍流冲击下集输管道局部腐蚀行为的多尺度表征(编号51774314),排名2/6,已结题 2014.01-2017.12,集输管线在气/液环状流中局部腐蚀演化过程的动力学模型研究(编号51276200),排名2/7,已结题 2022.01-2025.12,跨尺度空化与海洋生物耦合作用下织构型海水润滑艉轴承润滑机理研究,国家自然科学基金(编号52176050),排名4/7,在研 2017.01-2020.12,海底管线焊接接头电偶腐蚀过程的精确建模及跨尺度表征,国家自然科学基金委员会(编号41676071),排名4/8,已结题 7、主持企业合作横向课题多项,其中在研课题3项 ◎获奖情况 《热浸镀钢材在海洋环境中的腐蚀行为和失效机制》获中国石油和化工自动化行业“优秀科技著作”一等奖,位列第3 ◎荣誉称号 2014,青岛市黄岛区智岛计划“紧缺人才” ◎著作 撰写著作1部《热浸镀钢材在海洋环境中的腐蚀行为和失效机制》 ◎论文 (1) xiao-hui dou; bin li; zong-hao he; xin-wei zhang; da-lei zhang*; yan li; co2 corrosion of x80 steel welded joints under micro-turbulence induced by welding reinforcement height, journal of iron and steel research international, 2024, 106: 104745 (sci) (2) liuyang yang; da-lei zhang*; haiming fan; xikun fu; runze yan; zhiyi wei; huiliang wu; in-situ electrochemical testing and fluid dynamics simulation of pipeline defects under flow accelerated corrosion, experimental thermal and fluid science, 2024, 150: 111048 (sci) (3) dou, xiaohui; xiang, wei; li, bin; ju, mingdong; li, anjun; zhang, zhang, dalei*; li, yan; cfd-dpm modelling of solid particle erosion on weld reinforcement height in liquid-solid high shear flows, powder technology, 2023, 427: 118773 (sci) (4) dalei zhang*; r. liu; y. liu; s. xing; z. he; y. qian; j. liu; xiaohui dou; combined experimental and simulation study on corrosion behavior of b10 copper–nickel alloy welded joint under local turbulence, journal of iron and steel research international, 2023, 30: 1598-1612 (sci) (5) dalei zhang*; x. zhang; e. wei; xiaohui dou; construction of superhydrophobic film on the titanium alloy welded joint and its corrosion resistance study, anti-corrosion methods and materials, 2023, 70: 328-340 (sci) (6) dou, xiaohui; he, zonghao; zhang, xinwei; liu, yingshuang; liu, ran; tan, zhuowei; zhang, dalei*; li, yan; corrosion behavior and mechanism of x80 pipeline steel welded joints under high shear flow fields, colloids and surfaces a: physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2023, 665: 131225 (sci) (7) zhang, xinwei; dou, xiaohui; he, zonghao; jin, hongxi; he, chuan; zhang, dalei*; fabrication of superhydrophobic cauliflower-like cu-co coating with anti-corrosion and anti-fouling on b10 copper-nickel alloy welded joint, surface &coatings technology, 2023, 474: 130121 (sci) (8) y. liu; r. liu; dalei zhang*; s. xing; xiaohui dou; investigation on corrosion tendency behaviour of ta2 titanium alloy welded joints under flow scouring conditions using the array electrode method, anti-corrosion methods and materials, 2023, 70:376-392 (sci) (9) dalei zhang; liuyang yang; zhuowei tan; shaohuaxing; shuyu bai; enze wei; xiao tang; youhai jin ; corrosion behavior of x65 steel at different depths of pitting defects under local flowconditions, experimental thermal and fluid science , 2021, 124: 110333 (sci) (10) dalei zhang; y. liu; r. liu, x; guan, s; xing, xiaohui dou ; characterization of corrosion behavior of ta2 titanium alloy welded joints in seawater environment , frontiers in chemistry , 2022,10: 950768 (sci) (11) dalei zhang; wei, enze; jing, he; li, yantao; yang, liuyang; qian, yao; liu,jinzeng; jin, youhai; facile construction of superhydrophobic polydopamine-based film and its impressive anti-corrosion performance on zinc surface, materials chemistry and physics , 2022 , 282:125935 (sci) (12) zhuo-wei tan; zhen-bo wang; shu-yu bai; dalei zhang; sheng-zhu zhang; frank cheng; shao-hua xing; you-hai jin ; interaction between local corrosion and flow field of natural gas long-distance pipeline by artificial rectangular defect pit, journal of iron and steel research international , 2022 , 29:1026-1038 (sci) (13) yang, liuyang; zhang, dalei; fan, haiming; tan, zhuowei; xing, shaohua; guan, xiaorui; jiang, xiu; liu, r; liu, ys; zhang, zhang, dalei;multiscale characterization of erosion of ta2 titanium alloy welded joints, frontiers in materials, 2022, 9: 910319 (sci) (14) dalei zhang; ran liu; yingshuang liu; shaohua xing; liuyang yang; enze wei ; xiaohui dou;multiscale characterization of seawater pipe erosion of b10 copper–nickel alloy welded joints, scientific reports, 2022, 12: 2164 (sci) (15) dalei zhang; liuyang yang; zhuowei tan; shaohuaxing; shuyu bai; enze wei; xiao tang; youhai jin ; corrosion behavior of x65 steel at different depths of pitting defects under local flowconditions, experimental thermal and fluid science , 2021, 124: 110333 (sci) (16) zhuowei tan; liuyang yang; dalei zhang*; zhenbo wang*; frank cheng; mingyang zhang; youhaijin ; mechanism of internal local corrosion of x80 pipeline steel, journal of materials science&technology , 2020, 49(7): 186-201 (sci) (17) zhuowei tan; dalei zhang*; liuyang yang; zhenbo wang*; frank cheng; mingyang zhang; youhaijin; shidong zhu ; development mechanism of local corrosion pit in x80 pipeline steel under flowconditions, tribology international , 2020, 146(6): 106145(sci) (18) yuanyuan miao; dalei zhang*; ning cao; liuyang yang; hong ju; rabah boukherroub; huiping li; youhai jin ; mussel-inspired superhydrophobic surfaces on 316l stainless steel with enhanced corrosion resistance, metallurgical and materials transaction a , 2020, 51(a): 909-919 (sci) 19) xiaorui guan; dalei zhang*; jianjun wang; youhai jin*; yan li ; numerical and electrochemical analyses on carbon dioxide corrosion of x80 pipeline steel under different water film thicknesses in nace solution, journal of natural gas science and engineering , 2017, 37: 199-216 (sci) (20) 张大磊; 魏恩泽; 荆赫; 杨留洋; 豆肖辉; 李同跃; 超级铁素体不锈钢表面超疏水结构的制备及其耐腐蚀性能, 材料研究学报, 2021,35(1):7-16(ei) (21) 谭卓伟;杨留洋; 王振波; 豆肖辉; 张大磊*; 张明阳; 金有海; 高剪切力流场下 x80管线钢局部腐蚀深坑诱导局部湍流交互机理研究, 化工学报, 2021, 72(4):2203-2212 (ei) (22) 张大磊; 妙圆圆; 荆赫; 豆肖辉; 金有海;亚硫酸盐对热镀锌钢材在海洋大气环境中氢吸收行为的影响, 材料研究学报, 2018,32(7):533-540 (ei) (23)d-lzhang, w wang, y li. an electrode array study of electrochemicalinhomogeneity of zinc in zinc/steel couple during galvaniccorrosion, corrosion science,2010,52(4):1277-1284(/ei收录,阵列电极/微区电化学) (24)d-l zhang, yli. hydrogen permeation characterization of hot-dip galvanizedsteel in simulated marine atmospheric environment. advancematerials research, 2009, 79-82: 1051-1054 (ei收录,氢渗透) (25)张大磊,李焰。湿度对热镀锌钢材在海洋大气环境中氢脆敏感性的影响,中国有色金属学报,2010,20(3):476-482(ei收录,氢渗透) (26)张大磊,王伟,李焰。热镀锌钢材的电偶腐蚀行为-划痕型缺陷,材料研究学报,2009,23(4):343-346(ei收录,阵列电极/微区电化学) (27)张大磊,李焰。热镀锌钢材在海洋大气环境中的氢渗透行为,材料研究学报,2009,23(6):592-597(ei收录,氢渗透)等。 ◎专利 已授权发明专利7项 (1)张大磊,管孝瑞,金有海等.专利名称:一种无氧co2环境下薄液膜的局部电化学测试系统,2016.10.26,中国,zl201410359176.6 (2)张大磊,许红明,李同跃等.专利名称:海洋服役条件下阴极保护电化学模拟测试系统及方法,2022.07.22,中国,zl201910528960.8 (3)张大磊,钱峣,刘近增等.专利名称:一种用于测试流动状态时垢下腐蚀的单元式阵列电极系统的测试方法,2022.09.13,中国,zl202110398011. (4)张大磊,魏恩泽,贾贻勇等.专利名称:一种注水井套管内壁牺牲阳极保护方法,2022.11.04,中国,zl202110519641.8 (5)张大磊,杨留洋,谭卓伟等.专利名称:一种多通道冲刷腐蚀测试系统及方法,2023.09.22,中国,zl201811241995.5 (6)张大磊,李同跃,许红明等.专利名称:一种检测管道缺陷的多通道脉冲涡流检测装置及方法,2023.09.29,中国,zl201811622092.1 (7)张大磊,刘潆霜,刘然等.专利名称:一种镁合金表面低表面能纳米涂层的制备方法,2023.04.18,中国,zl202210262490.7 |