




»学位:博 士


»专业:化 学

»导师类别:硕 导





陈文淼,山东济南人,山东省优秀青年基金(海外)获得者。博士毕业于美国texas a&m university,师从周宏才教授。研究方向为晶态多孔材料异相催化研究,近五年以第一或通讯作者在j. am. chem. soc.angew. chem.adv. funct. mater.等高水平学术期刊发表论文27篇,中科院一区15篇,论文总引用1700次,h-index17。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、山东省优秀青年基金、山东省博士后创新人才项目等。






2017.8-2022.8texas a&m university化学理学博士

2012.9-2016.6  山东大学      化学与化工学院   理学学士



2022.06-2023.07texas a&m university at qatar,博士后


2022.07-至今,acs publications peer reviewer

2023.06-至今,adv. funct. mater., angew chem. 独立审稿人




1. 国家自然科学基金委,青年科学基金项目,铁基金属有机框架仿酶晶体口袋的制备及其催化氧化甲烷研究,2024-2026,在研,主持

2. 山东省科技厅,山东省优秀青年科学基金项目(海外),铁基金属有机框架仿酶催化剂催化氧化甲烷研究2024/01-2026/12,在研,主持

3. 山东省教育厅,山东省高等学校青创科技支持计划,天然气催化转化创新团队2024/01-2026/12,在研,主持

4. 山东省科技厅,山东省博士后创新人才项目,酞菁基共价有机聚合物催化剂设计制备及其氧电催化应用2024-2026,在研,主持

5. 中国石油大学(华东),自主创新科研计划项目,卟啉金属有机框架选择性催化氧化甲烷研究,2024-2026,在研,主持


2016年至今,发表sci学术论文45篇,其中以第(共)一/通讯作者在j. am. chem. soc.angew. chem. int. ed.adv. funct. mater.adv. sci.coord. chem. rev.acs catal.等化学和材料领域高影响力期刊上发表论文29篇。2篇论文入选esi top 1%高被引论文。论文总引用1700余次,h-index17



1. wenmiao chen, peiyu cai, hong-cai zhou* and sherzod t. madrahimov*, bridging homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis: phosphine-functionalized metal-organic frameworks. angew. chem. int. ed.., 2024, e202315075.(一区topif=16.1)

2. wenmiao chen, zhi wang, qi wang, khaoula el-yanboui, kui tan, heather m. barkholtz, di-jia liu, peiyu cai, liang feng, youcong li, jun-sheng qin, shuai yuan*, di sun* and hong-cai zhou*, monitoring the activation of open metal sites in [fexm3–x3-o)] cluster-based metal–organic frameworks by single-crystal x-ray diffraction. j. am. chem. soc., 2023, 145, 4736-4745.(一区topif=16.383)

3. wenmiao chen, palani elumalai, hind mamlouk, ángel rentería‐gómez, yempally veeranna, sharan shetty, dharmesh kumar, ma'moun al‐rawashdeh, somil s. gupta*, osvaldo gutierrez*, hong‐cai zhou*, sherzod t. madrahimov*. monodentate phosphinoamine nickel complex supported on a metal–organic framework for high-performance ethylene dimerization. adv. sci., 2024, 2309540. (一区topif=14.3)

4. wei yan, wenmiao chen*, yanli chen*. recent design strategies for m-n-c single-atom catalysts in oxygen reduction: an entropy increase perspective. adv. funct. mater., 2024, 2401027. (一区topif=18.5)

5. xue liu , wei yan , jie song , hao song , wenmiao chen*, yuexing zhang*, yanli chen*, kirkendall effect induced the formation of hollow co2p in co-n-c for orr, oer, her and flexible zn–air battery. chem. eng. j.,2024, 492, 152301. (一区topif=13.3)

6. wenjuan li, wenmiao chen*, hongyan zhuo, jinshi yu, xue liu, yuexing zhang* and yanli chen*, “substituents optimization” and “push effect” dual strategy for design of cobalt phthalocyanine catalyst on oxygen reduction reaction. j. mater. sci. technol,2023, 157, 80-88. (一区topif=10.319)

7. wenmiao chen, peiyu cai, palani elumalai, peng zhang, liang feng, ma’moun al-rawashdeh, sherzod t. madrahimov*, and hong-cai zhou*. site-isolated azobenzene-containing metal–organic framework for cyclopalladated catalyzed suzuki-miyuara coupling in flow. acs appl. mater. interfaces2021, 13, 44, 51849-51854. (一区topif=9.229)

8. wenmiao chen, xiao-ling meng, gui-lin zhuang, zhi wang, mohamedally kurmoo, quan-qin zhao, xing-po wang, bairong shan, chen-ho tung, di sun*, a superior fluorescent sensor for al3 and uo22 based on a co(ii) metal–organic framework with exposed pyrimidyl lewis base sites. j. mater. chem. a 2017, 5, 13079-13085. (一区topif=10.733)

9. wenmiao chen, muhammad sohail, yempally veeranna, yihao yang, ashfaq a. bengali, hong-cai zhou*, sherzod t. madrahimov*, n-alkylation through the borrowing hydrogen pathway catalyzed by the metal–organic framework-supported iridium–monophosphine complex. acs appl. mater. interfaces,2024.(二区topif=8.3)

10. qi liu, qiqi sun, jingshun shen, hao li, yuming zhang, wenmiao chen*, sirong yu, xiyou li*, and yanli chen*, emerging tetrapyrrole porous organic polymers for chemosensing applications. coord. chem. rev.,2023, 482, 215078. (一区topif=24.833)

11. fuling wang, xue liu, binghan jiang, hongyan zhuo, wenmiao chen*, yanli chen* and xiyou li*, low-loading pt nanoparticles combined with the atomically dispersed fen4 sites supported by fesa-n-c for improved activity and stability towards oxygen reduction reaction/hydrogen evolution reaction in acid and alkaline media. j. colloid interf. sci.,2023, 635, 514-523. (一区topif=9.965)

12. xue liu, qianli xing, jie song, zuoxu xiao, fuling wang, tianle yang, jinshi yu, wenmiao chen*, xiyou li*, yanli chen*, a facile strategy to prepare fenx decorated ptfe intermetallic with excellent acidic oxygen reduction reaction activity and stability j. colloid interf. sci.,2023, 635, 514-523. (一区topif=9.965)


sherzod mardahimov, wenmiao chen. high performance phosphinamine complex supported metal-organic framework for ethylene dimerization  2021us patent no. 63/294,661

»namewenmiao chen »school of materials sciensce and engineering,

»majorchemistry ph. d »master supervisor

»email: wemchen@upc.edu.cn »address: china university of petroleum (east china), qingdao 266580, pr china

 ◎research interest:

1. construction of metal-organic framework based heterogeneous catalysts, mechanism and structure-function relation study

2. development of highly efficient electrocatalysts for orr/oer

3. tetrapyrrole based enzymatic mofs for gas sensor

 ◎educational background:

b.a., 2016 shandong university

ph. d., 2022, texas a&m university

postdoctoral researcher, 2022-2023 texas a&m university at qatar

 ◎selected publications:

1. wenmiao chen, peiyu cai, hong-cai zhou* and sherzod t. madrahimov*, bridging homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis: phosphine-functionalized metal-organic frameworks. angew. chem. int. ed.., 2024, e202315075.(一区topif=16.1)

2. wenmiao chen, zhi wang, qi wang, khaoula el-yanboui, kui tan, heather m. barkholtz, di-jia liu, peiyu cai, liang feng, youcong li, jun-sheng qin, shuai yuan*, di sun* and hong-cai zhou*, monitoring the activation of open metal sites in [fexm3–x3-o)] cluster-based metal–organic frameworks by single-crystal x-ray diffraction. j. am. chem. soc., 2023, 145, 4736-4745.(一区topif=16.383)

3. wenmiao chen, palani elumalai, hind mamlouk, ángel rentería‐gómez, yempally veeranna, sharan shetty, dharmesh kumar, ma'moun al‐rawashdeh, somil s. gupta*, osvaldo gutierrez*, hong‐cai zhou*, sherzod t. madrahimov*. monodentate phosphinoamine nickel complex supported on a metal–organic framework for high-performance ethylene dimerization. adv. sci., 2024, 2309540. (一区topif=14.3)

4. wei yan, wenmiao chen*, yanli chen*. recent design strategies for m-n-c single-atom catalysts in oxygen reduction: an entropy increase perspective. adv. funct. mater., 2024, 2401027. (一区topif=18.5)

5. xue liu , wei yan , jie song , hao song , wenmiao chen*, yuexing zhang*, yanli chen*, kirkendall effect induced the formation of hollow co2p in co-n-c for orr, oer, her and flexible zn–air battery. chem. eng. j.,2024, 492, 152301. (一区topif=13.3)

6. wenjuan li, wenmiao chen*, hongyan zhuo, jinshi yu, xue liu, yuexing zhang* and yanli chen*, “substituents optimization” and “push effect” dual strategy for design of cobalt phthalocyanine catalyst on oxygen reduction reaction. j. mater. sci. technol,2023, 157, 80-88. (一区topif=10.319)

7. sayed ali akbar razavi, wenmiao chen, hong-cai zhou*, ali morsali*, tuning redox activity in metal–organic frameworks: from structure to application. coord. chem. rev., 2024, 517, 216004. (一区topif=20.3)

more papers are available at:

