











概况李闻乐,中国石油大学(华东)光华学者,材料科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师,弗吉尼理工大学(美国)材料科学与工程博士,先后于伊利诺伊大学(美国)和巴斯夫公司(美国)开展科研工作,从事环境响应智能材料纳米复合材料的研究工作,承担多项国际高校、企业科研项目,获国际化学工程师学会全球奖(icheme global award)、巴斯夫科技创新奖(coatings impact award)

v  研究方向


v  近期论文

§  li, w.; lu, x.;   diamond, j. m.; shen, c.; jiang, b.; sun, s.; moore, j. s.; sottos, n. r. photo-modulated   activation of organic bases enabling microencapsulation and on-demand reactivity.   nature communications 15, 2771 (2024).

§  jiang, bo.; mu, m.;   zhou, y.; zhang, j.; li, w. nanoparticle-empowered core–shell microcapsules:   from architecture design to fabrication and functions. small 2311897   (2024).

§  odarczenko, m. t.;   thakare, d.; li, w.; venkateswaran, s. p.; sottos, n. r.; white, s. r.   sunlight-activated self-healing polymer coatings. advanced engineering materials 22 (3) 1901223 (2020).

§  lu, x.; li, w.; sottos, n. r.; moore, j. s. autonomous   damage detection in multilayered coatings via integrated aggregation-induced   emission luminogens. acs applied materials & interfaces10 (47), 40361 (2018).

§  odarczenko, m., thakare, d., li, w.,   yang, k., tang, s., vankateswaren, s. p., sottos, n. r. and white, s. r.   self-protecting epoxy coatings with anticorrosion microcapsules. acs omega 3, 14157 (2018).

§  geng, j.; li, w.;   smaga, l. p.; sottos, n. r.; chan, j. damage-responsive microcapsules for   amplified photoacoustic detection of microcracks in polymers. chemistry   of materials 30, 2198 (2018).

§    li,   w.; matthews, c. c.; yang, k.; odarczenko, m. t.; white, s. r.; sottos, n. r.   autonomous indication of mechanical damage in polymeric coatings. advanced   materials 28, 2189 (2016).

§    robb,   m. j.; li, w.; gergely, r. c. r.; matthews, c. c.; white, s. r.; sottos, n.   r.; moore, j. s. a robust damage-reporting strategy for polymeric materials   enabled by aggregation-induced emission. acs central science 2, 598 (2016).

§    chen,   b.; yang, m.; zheng, x.; wu, c.; li, w.; yan, y.; bisquert, j.;   garcia-belmonte, g.; zhu, k.; priya, s. impact of capacitive effect and ion   migration on the hysteretic behavior of perovskite solar cells.the   journal of physical chemistry letters6, 4693 (2015).

§    li,   w.; chen, b.; walz, j. y. positioning growth of scalable silica nanorods on   the interior and exterior surfaces of porous composites. journal of materials chemistry   a3, 2019 (2015).
